Arquivo da categoria: Kid Chameleon

Developer/Desenvolvedora: Sega Technical Institute
Publisher/Publicadora: Sega
Platform/Plataforma: Mega Drive/Genesis
Genre/Gênero: Plataformer/plataforma


-NO MASKS (except if you dont have a choice, but you’ll have to revert to Casey’s form, right after that)

-SEM MÁSCARAS (exceto se vc não tiver escolha, mas terá que voltar a forma normal logo depois de passar da parte “impossivel” com Casey)

Kid Chameleon – How Far You Can Get

(22/03/2011) Gebirge’s Version:


(30/07/2011) Owen Glendower:

Owen Glendower’s Score: 57

-Realism (9/10)
-Speed (9/10)
-Skill (10/10)
-Fun factor (10/10)
-Originality (10/10)
-Survival (9/10)

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